Position: Support

Summary: Requires the office of suicide prevention within CDPHE to develop and implement a plan to provide access to training programs related to youth suicide prevention for people who regularly interact with youth, but who aren’t in a profession that typically provides these types of opportunities (i.e. youth group leaders, camp counselors, clergy, parents, etc). Required to do so with at least 3 nonprofit organizations to participate in a statewide coordinated program of youth suicide prevention training. It’s required that the nonprofits must make the programming free and accessible. Any costs incurred by the non-profits around this programming will be covered by the department. Also this bill directs CDPHE to coordinate efforts of a statewide awareness campaign around suicide and youth suicide prevention, which may include written, electronic, radio and television media.

Also lowers age of consent for a minor to seek and obtain outpatient psychotherapy services from 15 to 12 years old (a minor seeking inpatient psychotherapy or mental health services w/o the consent of a parent remains at age 15 though). Makes it so that the licensed mental health provider is immune from civil or criminal liability when providing outpatient psychotherapy services (unless they act negligently).

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